This country never course corrects after a seizure of executive power, so yes, that could happen.
But, if historical patterns hold true, Trump will lose Congress in the midterms. Clinton, Dubya, Obama, and Trump all went into office with Congress and lost control at the mid-terms, so it’s fairly strong pattern.
Not that it matters much. Dems are conservatives too.
The absolutely biggest issue with the US election system is the first-past-the-post systems still in use, just use proportional representation.
That will enable new parties to actually have a chance of being relevant.
That in turn will enable better representation of minorities and special interest groups.
Once the US is out of this mess, refrom is needed, get rid of the idiotic electoral college and any FPTP systems in use.
just use proportional representation.
Prop Rep is a hard sell. The part-person math is weird. Ranked-choice is an easier sell, so if you’re looking to get off FPtP get people used to more candidates with RC before going all in with multiplayer prop rep.
You know how fucking lost you sound? I’m talking about how there is no possible way the GOP freely cedes power ever again and youre talking about fptp.
Calm down, no need to swear, I am not your enemy, I am talking about what would need to happen after a potential revolution, violent or otherwise, to prevent this from happening again.
Plenty of freedom movements have failed because there was no plan about what to do after taking power, or the plan was too vauge.
This is something that needs to be considered before a potential revolution happens, there also needs to be plans for what to do if the leader of the revolution refuses to complete the plan after taking power.
I am not lost, I am a few steps ahead of you.
Relevant username? Go touch grass, bro. Doom scrolling and posting on lemmy won’t make you a happy person.
I do fine
Edit: lol at the downvotes.
No you guys are right, I’m on the edge of a knife. I’m constantly flipping back and forth between jumping off a bridge or hanging myself in the basement. I see no light in this dark, damp, dreary, dogmatic, doomed world. I am fading, the light is fading. Hear my final bleating cry.
I stopped looking at the news for eleven seconds, what fresh hell did I miss?
Just doing the math. Hypothetically speaking, nothing is stopping the next Democrat President from appointing George Soros to the head of DOGE.
All jokes aside
DOGE isn’t a thing except in the diseased brain of Elonia Mush. It’s not a federal entity of any kind.
Please don’t do this. Insulting a man by calling him a woman is just more misogyny and doesn’t help anyone.
I read it more as a lovers thing, like melonia, without the m. And trump and Elon as lovers seems about right, but it’s one of those scary trailer relationships. Like, who’s addiction will make who kill the other first? It would truly be some of the sickest dark fiction on HBO. Sadly it’s on bbc, ap, NYT, WSJ, etc. etc.
Calling him a woman does nothing to insult women. Stop pearl clutching. It’s an insult to the mans ego because of HIS beliefs, not ours. Buncha professional victims you lot are.
It’s a reference. Cease the pearl clutching.
I get what you’re saying, but gatekeeping bullying tactics is weird ngl
And George Soros being some kind of secret mastermind is also a right wing fever dream. Democrats wouldn’t have any interest in doing such a thing
I am interested now! I want to see the democrats attempt to get away with this shit. I want to hear, not see, my grandmother raised from the dead to clutch her pearls if she even caught wind of such a thing.
I think you might kill every MAGA in one fell swoop from the collective gasp that depleted enough oxygen in their general vicinity so that they all died of suffocation.
Uh. Okay.
Zima blue? That you? I too long for the endless hours traversing swimming pools with my purpose so defined, and my life full of meaning.
And George Soros being some kind of secret mastermind is also a right wing fever dream.
The funny thing is that so is the idea of Melon Husk being some kind of mastermind.
I think the point was more to make the Nazis mad?
With the Supreme Court giving presidents immunity for “official actions” if you became president nothings really stopping you from just executing people you don’t like. Installing someone like Musky? Sure, why the fuck not.
Well…let me ask you this: how attached are you to your current hairstyle?
Well, not the DOGE part. But yeah, I think that a dem sweep in the midterms is possible. And that a Democrat could win, assuming there is an election. The people who staff the polling places are community members, and you can still run for local office if you want to, and try to make your way up.
Oh, so you just think Dems will get into power, play neo-libs for 4 years and hand back the torch?
Right, mmmhm…
Yeah. I am old so have watched this game a long time.
And you’ve seen a foreign born oligarch tear apart the federal government by his own grubby hands?
I remember my 6th grade civics teacher (a black man) was angry and depressed when Obama won, saying that republicans will never win another election again.
Are you comparing me to your civics teacher?
Say the musk thing exists in a vacuum, maybe I see your point. Put it together with everything else and you are just a master at ignoring the world around you.
Man, Trump really flooded your zone, huh? Seriously, stop following the news for like a day or two. I don’t even understand what point you’re trying to make here, but the passive aggressive seething is palpable.
Most of what DOGE is doing is probably illegal, most of Trump’s executive orders are going to get blocked by courts, and many have already been rescinded. The point is to demoralize people so they don’t bother voting or fighting back. I’m getting the impression that the strategy worked on you.
Stop it. Play video games, draw pictures, watch porn. Whatever you do, disconnect from the fire-hose of outrage coming from the whitehouse. It’s all bait, and you’re gobbling it up.
I’ve read things on snapple caps that have been more useful then the drivel oozing out your mouth.
suppose to