Murdoch is trying to figure out what to do.
What do you mean hot? I haven’t noticed a crescendo
And what do we mean cold? I’d say it’s just as chaotic as it has been these past two months.
They weren’t doing much for the first 3 weeks either. The closest to resistance they’ve gotten is the AP fighting the gulf of America bs. I don’t feel like anything has changed, maybe it’s the people or algorithm you get your news from.
Of all the things they could pick to fight, it’s this stupid gulf name distraction.
That fight is primarily over their first amendment right to call it what they want without retribution from the government. The name change was a distraction but the first amendment threat is very real.
They (king trump/president musk) have been doing a lot in the first month, including the first 3 weeks…
Were you referencing another they?
The media (at large) has been running cover for his actions by diverting to tweets and vibe arguments, barely covering or analyzing the policy actions.
What algorithm is providing you news?
This is an aggregator that is useful.
Try the channel tldr news
He’s attacking the media so yeah….
I don’t watch the news. Nukes flying yet?
You’ll be the first to know. Or last?
I’m right on the edge of multiple major targets so I’ll be seeing the news flash either way
News flash or nuke flash?
I mean that’s what you want when it comes to nuclear weapons. Right? Either be the first to know or the last to know. I guess some people would prefer to die in the flash than live and struggle through an apocalypse.
To address the question seriously for a change, I think nukes are extremely unlikely because nations generally want to capture their enemies’ people alive for their labor force (and also not annihilate claimable resources if they can help it).
At least, I hope I’m right.
No one has ever successfully attacked a major power across a full ocean moat. Logistics win the real war. I don’t see how anyone attacks the USA without a total annihilation strategy, or from within like is happening now.
Right, “from within” is how it’s going… Grim.
When did it ever go cold? Russia’s certainly bring addressed and is not leaving the spotlight any time soon.
I’m not sure that’s true but there was the CPAC conference last week, which used to be for all conservatives but now is really just a 4 day MAGA/neo-fascist conference. Trump, Vance, and Musk all spoke and there were probably after parties and meetings with other speakers and attendees. Poland’s President Duda attended and met with Trump.
They still found time to beclown themselves with that “5 bullet points” email. But a lot of the White House press was covering CPAC and conferences are mostly boring.
the MSMSs which is complicit/and owned by right wingers, arnt going to report anything significantly bad of trump. all the news is almost always a distraction anywas, trump and elons gaffes, it was a plague on reddit, so much so i started to block those subs.
Maybe the Great Tricktator has fired enough of them by now?