Yeah they keep calling him radicalized. I just keep thinking this is a normal reaction and that corporate America and its shills are the radical ones.
“Would you shoot literal hitler in the back?” “Fuck yeah, bud” “Who radicalized you, everything that man did was legal”
Hey, hey, let’s not bring the H man into this. It’s not like the US is rounding up immigrants into concentration camps and making them work to pay off their deportation fees so that the US can have its slave labor without being dependent on China because we are at war over Taiwan……
I didn’t bring Hitler into this. “Literal Hitler” is an analogy, a character, not the real thing.
I’m making a joke
ah yes, i clearly noticed.
I’ve read the manifesto. I have the same thoughts as you. I wonder with all these people calling him radical if maybe there’s a fake manifesto out there. Something created JUST to make him sound crazy? That would explain the wildly different views of him being radical.
Remember, one month ago, the shooting hadn’t happened yet. Nobody knew Luigis name or face. So if you go from not knowing he exists, to seeing him murder a guy, and then get told he has plans for domination, and kill all the people…it would be logical to understand why someone would call that perspective radicalized.
That’s not what he is, or what he wrote, but if you read a fake manifesto, believed it to be real, that would explain people saying that.
Otherwise, I’m confused where “radicalized” comes from.
The media attempting to paint a narrative. Consent manufacturering machine go brrr.
People don’t read the manifesto, just the headlines calling him radicalised.
At first there were a lot of things floating around with people claiming to somehow have gotta access. Lot of sick fucks out there want to push an agenda.
Sadly reasonable conclusions based on reality is pretty based.
Oh no, reality is leaking into the media! We must stop this unapproved narrative!
That’s what reddit banned, it’s so innocuous.
They didn’t ban it because it was dangerous or violent, They banned it because the anti-corporate and spez is a musk wanna be
Thiel is one of reddits earliest investors. spez is a Thiel boy.
This whole time I can’t believe how reddit managed to hold up a facade of being a cool progressive college student platform. They pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes. It’s as if they put lipstick on /pol/ and /b/. And everyone was like, alright a hip liberal platform. Sure if you ignore the iceberg of right wing bootlicking shit beneath the surface of the default subreddits.
barbara streissand has taught them nothing apparently
It’s pretty shitty as far as manifestos go.
I mean, he claims responsibility, confirmed the existing evidence, then states his motives which aren’t hard to understand for even those out of the loop. I think the brevity and simple reasoning speak volumes louder than some maniacs scribblings found in a cabin. The fact that even those considered Semliterate would be able to grasp the bulk of his message was likely intentional.
Its actually not shitty at all, presuming his purpose was to inspire a shift in public discourse around the topic.
If he wanted it to be the centerpiece of a dramatic documentary miniseries, then yes, it was shitty.
I appreciate how quick a read is it. Much more likely for random people to read it and start thinking and then you can jump out of the bushes and go “surprise, you just read a manifesto!”
You agreed with a murderer, now what?
4/5 stars.
There are like 50 sentences of basic reality in there, but I suspect that a lot of the moderation challenge comes from one small phrase dropped into the middle: “it had to be done.”
With the inclusion of that, the 50 sentences of reality are recast as not just true but a valid justification for murder, even an argument that it was a duty, and that’s the rub.
If sharing Luigi’s manifesto is glorifying violence then so is sharing the Declaration of Independence.
If only Thomas Jefferson had somehow managed to cap a member of English Royalty. Instead, then Jefferson crossed the pond to suck up to Louis XVI, shortly before the man went full Ropespierre’s Necktie.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security.
note that reddit didn’t have a problem with “orks must die jokes” or people celebrating war fotage as long as they celebrate the right peoples deaths
Drone kill footage is like the reciepts of investment, if not the product itself.
Stop using Reddit
Of course not, it’s just Spez sucking up to the billionaires in the hope that one of them will be dumb enough to toss him a few million for his shitpile.
For a website with sections called nsfl and fight porn reddit takes a weird stance on manifestos.
You mean the website that didn’t ban creepshots until MSM reported on it? That website?
The jailbait subreddit was regularly on the front page and openly joked about for years, Spez was even a mod for a bit “as a joke” until Anderson Cooper did a story about it.
Fight porn is not what I was hoping for, yet not exactly disappointed in the result.
No, it’s not.
It’s an acknowledgement that there’s a massive problem.
These companies are literally willing to bankrupt you to death. Their behavior is inexcusable. They profiteer off of human suffering.
We live in a country founded by people who were unhappy with the status quo and were willing to pick up a gun to change things. We shouldn’t act surprised that it still happens. I don’t think we should celebrate it, because it’s sad that this is happening in the first place, that someone feels they need to do this. This problem is solvable, and it can be solved civilly, or it will be solved uncivilly.
Thats exactly how I feel “Its sad that this is looking like the solution”
Like, it had to come to this? You couldnt just set up your little racket and keep the golden goose fat and happy? Or atleast adequately provided for and left alone?
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We’re are explicitly given the right to bear arms as a check to tyrannical governance.
Our government outsourced their tyranny to corporations.
Corporations should be well aware of strings being attached.
Agreed! Sad that all the debt and death these companies allow is ignored in these discussions.
I can’t believe you’ve done this
See, then you are giving a murderer’s message publicity. As opposed to UnitedHealthcare, responsible for far more many deaths, having the ability to have as much publicity and as many lobbyists as they want.
Alleged murderer.
I think he is more than just the (relatively trivial) allegations against him. He has rallied support for massively reforming the American Healthcare system, which will save countless lives, improve our quality of life, and ensure the financial stability of the American Public.
He has rallied support for massively reforming the American Healthcare system…
I would disagree with this. Nobody is talking about health care reform. People are talking about destroying an economic system that creates billionaires, and also about destroying the billionaires themselves. This hasn’t been a call for reform, it’s a call to arms.
The scariest thing is that people are beginning to accept that the system has always been rigged, and there is no other way to fix it.
Robert Kennedy also did quite a bit of rallying on that front. Kennedy’s why I voted for Trump.
Who? Never heard of 'em.
Constent manufacturing factory manufactures consent, millions shocked.
There’s a book called Manufacturing Consent for those interested.
Noam Chomsky. If you studied anything related to linguistics or even dabbled into that field, you will know the name.
I learned about this from a System of a Down rabbit hole :)
I’ve definently noticed how more and more things are being disallowed to talk about on social media. It’s just a matter of which platforms has which rules, but the rules are also changing as more and more people are complaining about reading things they don’t agree with.
I suspect we will just discuss memes in the future, and politics, since politics is something that the leaders want us to care about and fight eachother over.
That’s because America is the land of the free to shut up and do what you’re told, or else.
the rules are also changing as more and more people are complaining about reading things they don’t agree with
which is why people need to start understanding that moderation is different from censorship
I had the realization about this distinction several years ago regarding reddit. Over the years of attrition by various controversies, reddit no longer has moderators. They’ve all left. There are moderators in name but they do not moderate.
Many set the mod bots to do bot things and then fuck right off. To be fair moderating global scale messageboard is kind of an impossible task. Much less to do it for free. Can’t fault the the old school internet moderators for leaving.
On another note. There’s no way to tiptoe around the issue of intelligence. The baseline level of discourse just isn’t capable of hard topics as it used to be. People seem to like the social drama that arises out of lack of moderation. That biases towards the lowest common denominators. It’s like a modern day Jerry Springer shock jock entertainment. But live and interactive! Social media users seem to revel in it. Bread and circuses…
No, they have to put fear in your bones and make examples out of you.
Interesting. Might be cool if Lemmy allowed mods to apply a NSFW tag that only a mod our admin could remove.
Removed by mod
We used to make fun of Chinese social media censorship. Soon sharing images of Nintendo’s Luigi will be as censored as sharing images of Winnie the Pooh in China.
If the feds don’t get you, Nintendo’s legal team will.
If [the government] don’t get you, [the corporations] will
They’re the same picture.
Anyone with half a brain can see that it isn’t “glorifying” violence, it’s merely giving an explanation of why Luigi did what he did. Glorification would play more into pathos, but the manifesto is mostly ethos
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Hi I’m new to Lemmy since Reddit decided to permaban me due to support I showed for Luigi. Good riddance to be honest. I should have fully quit when they shut down Apollo but didn’t know Lemmy existed.
Fuck Reddit.