Building on an anti-spam cybersecurity tactic known as tarpitting, he created Nepenthes, malicious software named after a carnivorous plant that will “eat just about anything that finds its way inside.”
Aaron clearly warns users that Nepenthes is aggressive malware. It’s not to be deployed by site owners uncomfortable with trapping AI crawlers and sending them down an “infinite maze” of static files with no exit links, where they “get stuck” and “thrash around” for months, he tells users. Once trapped, the crawlers can be fed gibberish data, aka Markov babble, which is designed to poison AI models. That’s likely an appealing bonus feature for any site owners who, like Aaron, are fed up with paying for AI scraping and just want to watch AI burn.
They’re framing it as “AI haters” instead of what it actually is, which is people who do not like that robots have been programmed to completely ignore the robots.txt files on a website.
No AI system in the world would get stuck in this if it simply obeyed the robots.txt files.
The disingenuous phrasing is like “pro life” instead of what it is, “anti-choice”
Waiting for Apache or Nginx to import a robots.txt and send crawlers down a rabbit hole instead of trusting them.
The internet being what it is, I’d be more surprised if there wasn’t already a website set up somewhere with a malicious robots.txt file to screw over ANY crawler regardless of providence.
I hope it’s effective.
It might be initially, but they’ll figure out a way around it soon enough.
Remember those articles about “poisoning” images? Didn’t get very far on that either
The way to get around it is respecting
lolBut that’s not respecting the shareholders 😤
This kind of stuff has always been an endless war of escalation, the same as any kind of security. There was a period of time where all it took to mess with Gen AI was artists uploading images of large circles or something with random tags to their social media accounts. People ended up with random bits of stop signs and stuff in their generated images for like a week. Now, artists are moving to sites that treat AI scrapers like malware attacks and degrading the quality of the images that they upload.
The poisoned images work very well. We just haven’t hit the problem yet, because a) not many people are poisoning their images yet and b) training data sets were cut off at 2021, before poison pills were created.
But, the easy way to get around this is to respect web standards, like robots.txt
It’s not. If it was, every search engine out there would be belly up at the first nested link.
Google/Bing just consume their own crawling traffic. You don’t want to NOT show up in search queries right?
It’s unclear how much damage tarpits or other AI attacks can ultimately do. Last May, Laxmi Korada, Microsoft’s director of partner technology, published a report detailing how leading AI companies were coping with poisoning, one of the earliest AI defense tactics deployed. He noted that all companies have developed poisoning countermeasures, while OpenAI “has been quite vigilant” and excels at detecting the “first signs of data poisoning attempts.”
Despite these efforts, he concluded that data poisoning was “a serious threat to machine learning models.” And in 2025, tarpitting represents a new threat, potentially increasing the costs of fresh data at a moment when AI companies are heavily investing and competing to innovate quickly while rarely turning significant profits.
“A link to a Nepenthes location from your site will flood out valid URLs within your site’s domain name, making it unlikely the crawler will access real content,” a Nepenthes explainer reads.
Same problems with tarpitting. They search engines are doing the crawling for each of their own companies, you don’t want to poison your own search results.
Conceptually, they’ll stop being search crawls altogether and if you expect to get any traffic it’ll come from AI crawls :/
You don’t want to NOT show up in search queries right?
At this point?
I am fully ok NOT being in search engines for any of my sites. Organic traffic has always been much more valuable than inorganic traffic.
Your definition of organic traffic is off-standard. When people say organic, they generally mean non-paid, including returns on web search.
The VAST majority of the web would have almost no traffic without web searches. It’s not like people flock to sites from talking about it around the water cooler.
Your definition of organic traffic is off-standard.
The VAST majority of the web would have almost no traffic without web searches. It’s not like people flock to sites from talking about it around the water cooler.
Which is a shame, tbh. We had far better content, when people had to work to create good content, that others wanted, and got passed around.
ie, in school, before search engines, we all knew about… We all knew the sites that had the info we wanted/needed at the time.
In fact, I’d argue the downfall of the web as an actual useful tool came about once search engines automatically started indexing, rather than submitting site maps to a page like OpenDirectory to have your site cataloged, indexed, and sorted into appropriate categories by a human.
Because once people started working on “gaming algos” rather than “Making super good content”, the internet just became the new “Malls” where you weren’t expected to learn, you were just expected to buy.
I liked it back when link aggregators were the go-to for discovery. You could have sites that were real gems that were just tucked away.
I think the indexing started out ok. Counting backlinks and using that as a ranking was pretty genius, right up until people realized they could game the system, then google realized that artificially screwing with their own system was worth money, then the used ads to modify ranking.
ads to modify discoverability the death of free internet
I am so gonna deploy this. I want the crawlers to index the entire Mandelbrot set.
I’ll train with with lyrics from Beck Hansen and Smash Mouth so that none of it makes sense.
This is the song that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.Well the hits start coming and they dont start ending
Notice how it’s “AI haters” and not “people trying to protect their IP” as it would be if it were say…China instead of AI companies stealing the IP.
why bother wasting resources with the infinite maze and just do what the old school .htaccess bot-traps do; ban any IP that hits the nono-zone defined in robots.txt?
That’s the reason for the maze. These companies have multiple IP addresses and bots that communicate with each other.
They can go through multiple entries in the robot.txt file. Once they learn they are banned, they go scrape the old fashioned way with another IP address.
But if you create a maze, they just continually scrape useless data, rather than scraping data you don’t want them to get.
if they are stupid and scrape serially. the AI can have one “thread” caught in the tar while other “threads” continues to steal your content.
with a ban they would have to keep track of what banned them to not hit it again and get yet another of their IP range banned.
Banning IP ranges isn’t going to work. A lot of these companies rent out home IP addresses.
Also the point isn’t just protecting content, it’s data poisoning.
if they are stupid and scrape serially. the AI can have one “thread” caught in the tar while other “threads” continues to steal your content.
Why would it be only one thread stuck in the tarpit? If the tarpit maze has more than one choice (like a forked road) then the AI would have to spawn another thread to follow that path, yes? Then another thread would be spawned at the next fork in the road. Ad infinitum until the AI stops spawning threads or exhausts the resources of the web server (a DOS).
so they will have threads caught in pit and other threads stealing content. not only did you waste time with a tar pit your content still gets stolen.
any scraper worth its salt, especially with LLMs, would have garbage detection of sorts, so poisoning the model is likely not effective. they likely have more resources than you so a few spinning threads is trivial. all the while your server still has to service all these requests for garbage that is likely ineffective wasting that bandwidth you have to pay for, cycles that can be better served actually doing somehthing, and your content STILL gets stolen.
Until somebody sends that link to a user of your website and they get banned.
Could even be done with a hidden image on another website.
Oh I love this!
Does it also trap search engine crawlers? That would be a problem
The big search engine crawlers like googles or Microsoft’s should respect your robots.txt file. This trick affects those who don’t honor the file and just scrape your website even if you told it not to
I imagine if those obey the robots.txt thing that it’s not a problem.
Don’t make me tap the sign
If so, it appears to the search engine crawler that you have lots of content to be indexed, so it probably would move your page ranking up.
OTOH infinite loop detection is a well known coding issue with well known, freely available solutions, so this approach will only affect the lamest implementations of AI,
an infinite loop detector detects when you’re going round in circles. They can’t detect when you’re going down an infinitely deep acyclic graph, because that, by definition doesn’t have any loops for it to detect. The best they can do is just have a threshold after which they give up.
You can detect pathpoints that come up repeatedly and avoid pursuing them further, which technically aren’t called “infinite loop” detection but I don’t know the correct name. The point is that the software isn’t a Star Trek robot that starts smoking and bricks itself when it hears something illogical.
It can detect cycles. From a quick look at the demo of this tool it (slowly) generates some garbage text after which it places 10 random links. Each of these links loops to a newly generated page. Thus although generating the same link twice will surely happen. The change that all 10 of the links have already been generated before is small
I would simply add links to a list when visited and never revisit any. And that’s just simple web crawler logic, not even AI. Web crawlers that avoid problems like that are beginner/intermediate computer science homework.
sure, if you have enough memory to store a list of all guids.
It doesn’t have to memorize all possible guids, it just has to limit visits to base urls.
what part of “they do not repeat” do you still not get? You can put them in a list, but you won’t ever get a hit ic it’d just be wasting memory