“In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” "
Douglas Adams
Blame mesons , they fucked up the matter/antimatter balance in the early universe from being 50/50 to 51/49
As a result, we live
Sufficient to say, this has made a lot of people angry over time
The worst part is we’re here now and most of us are intrinsically forced to deal with whether we want to or not.
Ex physicist here: Fucking no clue, but here’s two neat ideas
Because there has always been things. Basically it’s entirely possible the universe just kind loops around given enough time, there are a few really interesting ways to do this but the classic one is where the big bang reverses and there’s a bug crunch before a new big bang. That’s not very likely based on our observations, but there are other more mathematically complex ways to have a cyclical universe, and they don’t necessarily require having a defined beginning.
Because nothingness is unstable. Basically, if there’s a concept of nothingness, no energy, particles time or space, but it’s possible for little universes to occasionally exist and disappear really quickly, then it’s possible that our universe suddenly popped into existence, got really fucking big before it could disappear again and then got stuck existing. This is based on the highly advanced area of physics called making a wild fucking guess.
I’d say most likely that we’ll have to be satisfied with that not being a question that can be answered. Much in the same way that we can’t answer the question of why the laws of physics look the way they do, we can just describe what they currently are.
There’s a third option: Black holes create new universes through some as yet undiscovered process. Then your existence just becomes a statistical eventuality, as do every other life that you could ever live.
There’s a fourth option: every reference to the mystical properties of black holes on lemmy creates new universes through some as yet undiscovered process. Then your existence just becomes a statistical eventuality, as do every other life that you could ever live.
It’s a simulation!!!
It’s a mega mind!
No one knows, it’s unlikely we ever will. There’s stuff and that’s why you can even ask this question. If there wasn’t anything, you wouldn’t be able to ask anything. It happened, so now we have to deal with it.
Your last sentence should become some kind of philosophy.
Look up Phenomenology.
There being stuff is privledge.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Aren’t quarks made up of the nothingness, the vacuum of space, somehow vibrating? I feel like that’s what smart people have been trying to tell me.
If that’s correct, then the nothing is the source of the something.
You got us!
starts to dissolve
Fuck all this. Let’s get a second opinion from the nothingverse, maybe they know something we don’t
Why not?
Because 42.
No, that’s for “what do you get if you multiply six by nine?”"
One interesting take
The question will probably never figure out.
I’m more about wondering about after everything now. When everything stops expanding and all the energy is gone, does everything collapse and cause another big bang? Has this happened before?
Is this “multiverse” many of us wonder about really just this same universe in different incarnations? Can any of these incarnations really be said to be “before” or “after” each other?
This is the stuff I ponder about recently.
There is no dark without light. No silence without sound. No nothing without something.
But why?
These concepts are each defined in relation to something else. Without that something else these concepts are meaningless, absurd, and do not exist.
But that assumption, of how reality works, is based on the premise that reality is, has always been, and can only work that way. Maybe opposites coexist in some other concept of reality?
There are logical impossibilities, for example in no universe does 0 = 1, and the same is true for these concepts.
The fact that time is relative disproves this already. Our understanding is limited by our ability to perceive.
Take the "no"s out of that and it’s still true.
No it’s literally impossible.
You didnt even try, did you?
I did and then of course explained that the result is more than false, it’s literally impossible.
There is dark without light. Sound without silence. Nothing without something.
These are all true sentences.
No, it’s literally impossible.
English is probably not your first language, but still, this should be pretty clear to anyone with a basic understanding of it. Reread the sentences