To the people thinking this means Russia will no longer be able to interfere with other countries over the internet: you are probably mistaken. Disinformation teams will still be connected to the internet. All this will mean is Russians having even less exposure to the world outside of what little Vladolf wants them to see.
It will probably make the European CS2 servers less toxic though.
How are we going to get more treasures like “Blending in with the Russians”?
It’s not about what Russians can get from the outside, it’s more about what they can get to the outside.
I think the idea is to have some capacity to temporarily preserve some connectivity, while mowing down protesters or something like that.
They are doing such exercises for like 10 years btw.
But when the war in Ukraine stops with some “mission accomplished” ceasefire, there will likely be more violent signs of popular disagreement with Putin. Because, well, people with combat experience will come back. Some of them to ask for money on the streets, some of them to abuse their relatives and neighbors, and some of them to do crime, and some of them probably to stir shit up.
Russia tests cutting
itselftheir citizens off from the rest of the internetThe state would certainly continue to interfere with the rest.
In the long term is will fuck over their ability to hack stuff. You’re essentially ruining people’s ability to develop talent at tech. Even if u want to train them in it as military, it would be new to them.
Nah, they’d just do what NK does and pull out the “brightest” and train them in cyber
Wouldn’t it collapse their economy? Like how many Russians are digital sex workers selling content to the rest of the world? And doesn’t a shitton of money flow into Russia via ransomware
Shh. Just smile and wave.
Like how many Russians are digital sex workers selling content to the rest of the world?
I think those will move somewhere with Internet connectivity.
Wow, you are really brainwashed if you think the macro-economy of a country depend on these…
No lie. Russia is a petro state above all else.
I’m just joking dingus
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Why do you sound so scratched?
As a queer person in a place currently under russian control, I find a lot of the comments in favour of the censorship problematic. Being gay in public is illegal here, so a lot of our queer people find communities on the Internet. Being cut off from those would be terrible.
Sorry you’ve been saddled with that, friend. I hope things get better in Russia (or Ukraine, Transnistria, or Georgia, think that covers all the places they occupy) in your lifetime
I hope I’ll escape before it collapses, otherwise life will be unnecessarily difficult for a decade or two
Plus, there are things in Russia that I want. Like Starsector
I got your 6.
Oh I bet you do… 😉
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Fuck off
Country Self-Defederation
Defederation to go with their defenestration.
Russian Federation? M-more, more like, like… Russian De-Federation, am I right?
I’m only familiar with the magnificent russian defenestration rate.
It’s as close to 1 as a country can get.
- Again.
They do this every few years.
It is like those “drills” with fighter jets flying close by. Everyone does it occasionally to test reaction time. And every time it is a breaking world news.
Nah, it doesn’t always make the news. I know of one time where they flew right over my house and there was no mention of it anywhere, so I tell this story every time anyone mentions those “routine” fly overs.
It was New Year 2019-2020 about noon.
The MIG came in from the Kattegat coast and roared through a fjord well below reasonable eardeafening altitude, which made me go outside to see what the fuck was going on. It got intercepted by one of our own F-16s and they did a few rounds of dog chasing right above my head before it flew like hell back towards Russia. The fucker must’ve dodged the Swedes on the way here.
Way out of line. It’s completely reckless to put some kid into a machine like that and have them fly this close to residential areas. Who knows what would’ve happened and how many people would’ve been hurt if the idiot had hit a tall antenna or lost control from the g-force or whatever. They were flying low, fast and swirling like moth being chased by a flyswatter.
The Russians are reckless assholes even in peace.
You should have thrown a rock in to the turbines.
Yeah I’m sure going full north Korea and cutting of everyone below the government is gonna work well
Depends upon how you measure “well”.
The Kim dynasty is still going strong, three generations in. Odds are that the Kims and probably a number of people at the top would be worse-off if things changed. From their perspective, things probably are going pretty well in North Korea.
Of course, the standard of living of the North Korean public is pretty horrendous, the economy is undeveloped, and North Korea doesn’t have a lot of international clout. If your metric is whether the typical person in society is living well or whether the country is powerful, wealthy, or secure, then things aren’t going very well.
NK never had Internet. The people never lost anything. Everyone in Russia is online. They might not have toilets, but they have mobile data.
Partially right. North Korean citizens didn’t have internet, but there was a internet connection. I think it was on Reddit where someone found the Peering router and was able to get a rough network topology. It’s how red star OS was found out. They also found apple devices connected to the neteork.
What do you mean, it’s going great. They’re even selling ammunition to Russia and sending troops over to help. From what I heard their shells even explode sometimes.
Odds are that the Kims and probably a number of people at the top would be worse-off if things changed.
I mean, when you compare North Korea to the poorer parts of the periphery that capitulated to neoliberal capital - Haiti, Liberia, the former Yugoslavian states, Argentina right now, the Philippines, Lebanon or Iraq or Gaza - even the lay resident is getting out reasonably well off. They aren’t living in an active war zone, they’ve got a backwards but still functional economy, and they’re even making inroads on foreign trade at long last.
The xenophobic siege mentality of the Kims appears to have spared them a far worse fate, just by keeping the country isolated from shit like COVID and The War on Terror. They never got the windfall of the 20th century industrial economy, but they also didn’t get systematically wiped out like American Natives or Black Angolans or Rohingya Muslims.
Most of those are some wild comparisons. With all due respect, but the average North Korean “lay resident” is most def not “reasonably well off” compared to their counterpart in most of the places you listed (if that is indeed what you’re claiming). Obviously Gaza is a hellhole right now, but saying that North Koreans are better off than people in Argentina, Croatia, Albania, or even Haiti, is just pure nonsense. And there is no active war zone in the Western Balkans while North and South Korea are still technically at war. The historical comparison to colonized and oppressed peoples also seems arbitrary and illogical.
the average North Korean “lay resident” is most def not “reasonably well off” compared to their counterpart in most of the places you listed
Just the fact that they’ve got basic utilities - electricity, running water, paved roads, public health clinics - puts them head and shoulders above the undeveloped third world.
And there is no active war zone in the Western Balkans while North and South Korea are still technically at war.
Koreans haven’t exchanged fire in over 70 years. Albanian insurgents revolted in Macedonia as recently as 2001. And extremist violence at the border persists to this day
The historical comparison to colonized and oppressed peoples also seems arbitrary and illogical.
Only if you aren’t familiar with your history. The crack up of the Korean peninsula follows a deliberate Strategy of Tension that Cold War (and colonial before that) governments employed to suppress large restive populations for centuries.
My dude, what are you even saying.
Of course they have basic utilities in the Balkans. They most definitely have access to the same basic utilities we are used to in the EU and the US. Newsflash - the Western Balkans are no longer part of the “undeveloped third world”. Contrary to what you say, “extremist violence” at the borders between these countries is extremely rare and border crossings are entirely peaceful 99.999% of the time. We can talk about border scuffles between Kosovo and Serbia, or inter-ethnic tensions throughout the region, but even that is nothing compared to the level of militarization and animosity at the 38th parallel.
I should know - I’ve travelled to every single Balkan country this past year, including Kosovo and Montenegro, as part of a border police exchange program, and enjoyed my stay at all of them.
The two Koreas haven’t exhanged fire in over 70 years? Go read the list of border incidents on Wikipedia and tell me again how they haven’t exhanged fire. Just this tear alone there has been artillery shelling in the border zone. For god sake, one country is actively testing nuclear ICBMs over the skies of the other one, and you want to compare that to the Western Balkans?! Ridiculous.
At this point I’m convinced you’ve never travelled to or studied the history and national policies of the countries you’re talking about. In other words - you’re quite obviously talking out of your arse.
Of course they have basic utilities in the Balkans.
They had it in Yugoslavia and then they were demolished in the wars. The modern states are hobbled by debt accrued during the rebuild and still plagued by border violence. There’s no single interstate grid, the highway system is littered with checkpoints and blockades, and the disparate countries have lost their pre-collapse industrial capacity to the bombings of the 90s.
I’ve travelled to every single Balkan country this past year, including Kosovo and Montenegro, as part of a border police exchange program, and enjoyed my stay at all of them.
Then I’m sure you stopped off at Obrovac Aluminum Plant and Obrenovac Thermal Power Plant, critical backbones of the old economy that were never fully repaired, much less reintegrated into the regional economies. Perhaps you had a ride in one of the surviving locally manufactured automobiles, once a common export of the region but now functionally impossible to assemble due to the fractured political landscape?
What were you policing in this now peaceful and bountiful utopia, btw? Crime, I’m sure, is way down from the Tito era, right? And arms smuggling? That’s not a thing anymore, is it?
At this point I’m convinced you’ve never travelled to or studied the history and national policies of the countries you’re talking about
Sure. You played cops and robbers in Kosovo for a few weeks and now you’re an expert. I just spent half a decade at a hedge fund, watching my bosses pick Eastern Europe clean, asset by asset and industry by industry.
You’re so smart, bro. You should write a book about your experiences.
My friend, you are trying to argue that there are no basic utilities in the Balkans in 2024. Some basic research or even just contacting literally anyone who lives there will prove you wrong. It’s so rudimentary and ridiculous - I have no idea how you have the gall to continue arguing something so absurd. Not to mention your ludicrous claim that North Koreans are better off than people in Southeastern Europe.
You’re demonstrably wrong about most everything you claim and anyone can do a quick google search to see for themsevles (including you). Yes, there are interstate grids - you can go see them now if you wanted to. The highway systemS (there is more than one) are not “littered with checkpoints and violence”. You can literally go and see for yourself. And the biggest problems with debt have little to do with the “liberal capital” you mention previously but they do have a lot to do with large-scale Chinese infrastructure projects. And even then, no Balkan country has adebt to GDP ratio of anything close to 100%. Do tell me again about this hedge fund you worked for - did you use numbers?
Any self-respecting expert from the region would call you out for being either delusional or simply trying to push an ideology regardless of facts. You are clearly regurgitating information about countries you’ve never been to and know nothing about. Where you got that information - well frankly, who cares. But it does resemble the propaganda of the old school socialist parties in the region who keep prattling off about how good things were before 1990 and how bad things are now when in fact the vast majority of politco-economic metrics clearly show the opposite is true.
In conclusion: you have no idea what you’re talking about and anyone with an internet connection can confirm that.
Edit: Oh, and about that book. I don’t write books of my personal experiences but I am a co-author of multiple books with comparative analysis in the region alonside other independent experts. Based on a lot of fieldwork. That is how I know you are spouting nonsense.
Red Star OS when?
Fuck. Please don’t take down Sci hub… I know there are mirrors elsewhere, should I be worried?
I’m not even going to make the usual joke, by saying sarcastically that I don’t use it and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. It’s the biggest contributor to scientific progress in the last decade and I’m tired of pretending it’s not
Finally, I’ll have decent teammates in Countrstrike 2.
Their hacking teams will still be connected.
I meam, the rest of the world could cut them off.
would make it a lot easier to identify malicious traffic - all of it :)
No, let’s not encourage this even as a joke.
All cutting Russia off from the rest of the internet will do is making them more radicalized and give even less opportunities for good ideas and good people to fight back.
That’s why China does it. That’s why Iran did it.
This sucks, I’ve met so many very cool and interesting Russian people. The internet is meant to connect people not box them in an echo chamber.
yeah, you met two cool russian people. Millions of older family members are being bombarded with propaganda from the rest of the russians that are less cool.
That’s the Russian government. The Russian government will not cease cyber attacks. This is only to stop citizens being able to find information.
The amount Russians working in troll farms is nothing compared with the amount of good hearted decent Russian people and I’m saying this as a massive Ukraine war simp.
I hope rutracker will stay available :P
tbf the internet is going to consist mostly of 3 things in the future:
- propaganda
- scientific information
- funny cat videos
So I guess it’s not really a surprise that this is happening.
I was gonna say you forgot porno but then
scientific information
funny “cat” videos
cat as in pussy
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Tell me you use an ad blocker without telling me.
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Edit: actually not good. Disinformation agencies will still have access, so hexbear and .lm will remain. Only citizens will be punished and will be cut from non-prpaganda sources.
Yup, it’s the opposite of good. Russian citizens are getting screwed here.