If we MUST eat a entire bag of Oreos.
Which scenario is better?
- Eat the entire bag in 30 minutes
- Eat the bag slowly, and evenly throughout a day?
Eating sugary stuff that sticks in your teeth continuously throughout the day is the worst possible you can do for the teeth.
Binge eating sweets is pretty bad for blood sugar.
So to balance it out eat a third after every meal for max health and enjoyment.
So do a line after you dine?
As a Canadian, unfortunately the answer is now to not eat them at all because they are an American product. This breaks my heart because I am the type of person that would eat an entire bag throughout the day :(
What about Canadian off-brand? Is that a thing? Like at Canadamart or Tim Horton’s or wherever y’all shop?
Yes that’s very on point for the question being asked, thanks.
The package is conveniently divided into breakfast, lunch, and dinner rows.
We call that doing lines around these parts.
You’re eating those as a treat, not for your health. You probably know the negative impact that sugar and trans fats have, so if you’re going to treat yourself, I’d say make sure to make it count.
Do you get more overall pleasure from a little bit of enjoyment throughout the day or from a lot of enjoyment for a short amount of time? Maybe half now and half later or tomorrow? That’s how I decide how to eat/do stuff that I enjoy but know can negatively impact my health if I over do it.
If you do want to make it less unhealthy though, try to make sure they’re not the only thing in your stomach and rinse your mouth after you’re done eating them.
Eat them right before a big, protein heavy meal. The sugar will stimulate insulin production which will help to process more of the protein. And then have a couple for dessert.
Huh, is that why I can’t seem to find a non sweet protein powder?
You can buy unflavoured whey concentrate or isolate in bulk for very cheap. I used to use it to make protein pancakes for breakfast all the time.
Nom nom nom.
Edit: I see you’re vegan. Not sure I’ve seen unflavoured vegan ones.
In a large bowl, combine 750ml of your closest booze and the Oreos. Use a potato masher to create a smooth yet chunky consistency. Best enjoyed naked while binge watching Bojack Horseman.
I only had a bottle of Listerine, but two birds, one stone. No need to go brush after now.
Around here, we just call that “Sunday”.
The answer is to stagger it, rather than risk a sugar crash. Little and often and whenever you like
If you keep dosing, maybe you can keep that high going indefinitely and never have to come down.
I like your thinking
U bastard. U just reminded me I have a KitKat to eat. Do I eat the entire thing or spread it over the day?
Is it already in the freezer and ready?
Yes! Both. And Second Kitkat
Its one of those large blocks tho
A dentist once answered this question. Better to eat it at once than soak your teeth in sugar for the entire day. Even better if you brush your teeth after, of course.
Better for your teeth, sure. Nutritionally, I’m pretty sure it’s better to spread it out.
Nutritionally, it’s terrible either way.
I think your body would have a better time with it spread out over the course of the entire day. However you’re still absorbing an insane amount of sugar in a single day.
There’s a chance all at once would result in more of it being pooped out and thus be better … but it’s so close to just eating sugar I expect you’d absorb it and then your body would go into overdrive producing insulin.
Fine every now and then, but regularly it would be insanely bad no matter which way you do it.
Fatty liver or rotten teeth… Tough choice.
Just brush your teeth after each cookie.
Smash them up and dump the crumbs into a glass. Now it’s a drink and no longer subject to the tyrannical nutritional guidelines of the medical establishment, leaving you free to consume it as you please.
I put about 5 (or sometimes 10) into a glass of milk then mash it up with a spoon. Makes a great smoothie. Hell that might be a good breakfast idea
This is my eternal struggle, with any type of biscuit.
I try to not eat the whole pack in one day, so eat some then close the pack. But inevitability I go back later and finish the rest!
The struggle is real! Sugar is its own reward, and its own punishment.
Its better not to eat entire bag of Oreo in one day but if you must then its better to spread it over the day to avoid creating large sugar spike in your body.
You also won’t upset your stomach as much if you spread it out.
Oh, we must.
If I had to choose between those options, I’d eat them slowly throughout the day.
But in reality, it’s two sittings: one row in the afternoon, and the rest at the unhealthiest of times, around 9pm.
No good story has ever started with, "I ate a bag of oreos over the course of a whole day. "
Better to not buy dry stale cookies.
Just commenting to say I love this question and the genuine attempts at answers. I’m going to ask a dietitian next chance I get