Ubisoft stock tanks to 10 year low!
*Zooms out*
Yeah it’s definitely star wars outlaws guys
Not specifically SW: Outlaws, but they were given something that previously only EA made meh games with, and they decided to also make a meh game. Ubisoft really likes their meh games. See also: Assassin’s Creed #25, coming out this year!
And even EA made some decent games with the IP. I loved Jedi Fallen Order. Haven’t played Jedi survivor yet but from what I’ve gathered, it’s definitely not a total flop and even Battlefront 2-2 was decent enough.
I loved Fallen Order and I loved Survivor even more. It’s the perfect follow up to Fallen Order. At launch it had quite some issues tho, which is why it wasn’t received well. Not sure how much better it is now since I never really had issues to begin with.
Jedi Survivor is awesome. If you liked the first you’ll love that one.
Even outlaws isn’t bad, it gives me Jedi Survivor feels but more stealth and crime.
I’ll definitely play Jedi Survivor (as soon as I get around to upgrading my graphics card to something that can actually play the game).
I might try outlaws once it’s on clearance or so. But as someone who hated most of what Ubisoft did in the last few years (they ruined my beloved Assassin‘s Creed and made a mockery out of Watch_Dogs), I will stay sceptical.
I feel like lukewarm is the best Ubisoft has managed in about a decade now so seems like it should have been within expectations.
People give Anno 1800 too little credit, other than that I agree.
Anno sure is great, sadly it’s not on a platform I’m willing to play on.
Best anno was on Wii.
I’ve been enjoying Far Cry 3 even with the multiplayer servers shut down. Did they ever make another game that isn’t also Far Cry 3?
There’s Rayman legends
That newer Prince of Persia game was supposedly good
Which is so underrated, I’d put it as better than any of the recent 2D Mario games. Years later and Mario Wonder doesn’t even come close to the music levels in Rayman Legends.
I personally prefer origins but legends is still a great game
Phoenix rising was a pretty good ancient Greek BOTW experience. Best game they put out in 2020. Better thrash Valhalla or WD Legion
I thought it was fine but it could have been great had it understood why people actually liked BOTW. The idea that you can just highlight every object in a 1km radius around you completely kills exploration, you’re incentivized to just go from map marker to map marker instead of actually exploring the world.
It was okay but it never motivated me enough to actually finish it.
Legion was such a disappointment… I still regularly go back and play WD1 just because it has a great vibe.
Did Child of Light come out within the last decade?
Yes, I believe all the UbiArt games did. I would defend all three of those and wish they didn’t slip into the wind
July 2024, just barely outside of 10yrs ago.
This was a beautiful game. I think it was also one of the only games I have ever accidentally 100% completed.
The new Prince of Persia roguelike is pretty good, although I’ve hit a wall recently and am too stubborn to look up a walkthrough. Lots of fun otherwise, though.
And only because it’s not by them, but by the team behind dead cells.
When I hear “UbiSoft” the first word I think of is “lukewarm”. Mediocre, inoffensive junk food gaming that’s rarely so bad that it’s unplayable but also never meaningful, interesting or memorable.
This has been their m.o. for decades, I don’t know what people were expecting?
For real. I played through Far Cry 5 recently, and as much as I enjoyed it it still felt like some exec saw Far Cry 3 and said “make this appeal broader and sell more.”
Having played every single FC game, I think FC5 was the worst in the series. It’s so bland and loses everything that made the series fun, including exotic locale.
I think Blood Dragon is the best overall, and FC4 is the next best for gameplay. FC3 is great, but people overrate it and either didn’t play it or don’t remember it. Vaas isn’t even the main boss. He’s a sub-boss and you literally only see him like 3 times. I think Hurk has more development than Vaas.
FC2 is an underrated gem I wish people would have patience for, cause for all it’s frustrations and faults, no other FC is what FC2 was trying to be, and it’s such a unique experience.
The original premise was “you set out to accomplish something and everything keeps going wrong.” FC2 does this better than any of the others.
My biggest consistent gripe with the series is the lack of main boss development. They tease the shit out of the main enemy every time, but it winds up being barely a part of the story. I wish there was more character development and buildup to the end. But ultimately, FC is about the gameplay, kind of like Just Cause. We’re hardly there for the story.
Also FC6 was excellent and a massive improvement in fun over FC5. I don’t care what most people say.
FC1 campaign was not fun, but building and sharing custom maps on Instincts Predator on Xbox 360 back then was so much fun.
Far Cry 2 also had the buddies system, which I have missed greatly in every entry since. Far Cry 3 was an awesome game but I do wish the series after had taken more inspiration from 2 and less from 3. Subverting missions and then losing your favorite buddy in a firefight is an experience unlike anything in the rest of the series.
Ah yes, the buddy thing was pretty neat, and in some ways your choices even from your starting character had some meaning. They could have done so much more with that by now.
But, they are Ubisoft. As is the theme with this new Star Wars game. I’m almost wary to wish for a sequel to Rayman Legends, feels like the monkey’s paw with AAA (sorry, AAAA) studios now.
I quite liked the locale in FC5, but the (nearly?) unavoidable captures the game would force on you when you did too much open world stuff annoyed the hell out of me.
Then I had the ending spoiled for me and I just got too annoyed at the story planners and never touched it again.
Exactly. I remember this really being an issue with Far Cry 4. The villain there had me on the edge of my seat since the intro and I still think FC4 was one of the best far cry games to exist. The setting was amazing, mechanics worked really well, and the vehicles rocked.
The thing it flopped on completely was interactions with the main bad guy and any semblance of story development. It wasn’t nonexistent, but the main villain is criminally underused in that game and is on screen for maybe 15-20 minutes total.
But now we have the issue of far cry doing the Ubisoft signature multi-zone storytelling thing where the story is not linear and it’s completely wrecked by that. This game has the same exact issue that’s been here since FC5 and I hate it. I’d rather they keep the lookout points around and have a worse world and a better story with actual progression and characters. It’s like they’re determined to make games at a 6 or 7 out of 10 level.
FC2 was fucking awesome, loved that shit. Actual challenging and smart NPC enemies, not wave upon wave of stupid bullet sponges. You had to actually think about how to approach areas and combat.
I enjoyed 6, it was an improvement story wise compared to 5 (which was a railroad slog. Kill in a region till you get kidnapped, 3rd time, you can kill a mini boss as a treat!)
I played through FarbCry 3 and 4 and started getting into 5 recently.
I just couldn’t.
They got markedly worse reach time. I was able to finish 4, but the “THIS IS AN UBISOFT GAME” vibe became more and more shameless. It felt gross, it was filtered through something ugly. I never felt the love for it that Far Cry 3 earned. I still vividly remember visiting the first shop and seeing “Painted Pachyderms! Spend Uplay points to make all the elephants colorful!” It was on the front page, it was so fucking UbiSoft. It made sure I’d never see the gun stores in FC3’s successor as gun stores in any kind of immersive way.
With FC5, it just got worse.
I think I want to try Far Cry 2 some time, I think I used to play it a very long time ago but I barely remember it. I remember the malaria shots and the very flammable grass.
Judging by the stock price decline that didn’t start last week, but rather has been ongoing for
monthsyears, you’re spot on. This is exactly what the market was expecting.
You can block tainted production companies on steam, this removes all their slop from the store page and vastly improves the marketplace.
Ubisoft was the first shit-hole prod company I ever blocked and it was glorious.
Do you really buy stuff based off of steam recommendations to begin with?
Ive found some weird but fun games through them ATOM RPG, Bomber Crew, and Dawn of Man come to mind.
This game isn’t even listed on steam anyway, no wonder it’s not selling.
Ooo I wonder if I can find a full list somewhere
Maybe don’t charge $145 for a digital product. Maybe charge $50, and sell it to 5x the people. It quite literally costs nothing (okay, pedantically, the tiniest fraction) to sell more units.
I’d play an okay Star Wars game for $50 day 1. Wouldn’t you?
And then when it goes on sale, loads of people would pay $20 on a 60% sale price next year. Whose paying $60 at a 60% off sale for a year old okay Star Wars game? No one. Not one soul.
Oh, you can get it cheaper for subscribing to Ubisoft+. Fuck off with that bullshit, do you even hear yourself?
…the base game is $69.99 like all other recent AAA games.
Yup, and I’ll wait for it be 20 bucks or less on steam, unless it’s like the last one which could have been a dlc for the one before it. If that’s the case, I’ll pass since I didn’t make it half way through the last one because it was boring.
Well for what it’s worth, I’m really liking it a lot. It may be fast food gaming, but I think I’d at least compare this one more to Shake Shack than McDonald’s. It’s surprisingly thoughtful in it’s details.
Ok, I’ll prob get roasted for this but hear me out.
I think Ubisoft+ is great. I can get the whatever $500 mega platinum edition for like $15 if I can beat it that month. Or even if I take 2 months to beat it, I’ve only spent $30 which is less then a base game. Then you unsub and wait for the next game you’re interested in.
Not gonna roast you or downvote you, as that does seem to be a use case. Just not one that would work for me, since I replay games frequently.
Honestly the last Ubisoft title I think I played was AC: Black Flag, and that was cause, pirates.
You must’ve been super excited about the AAAA spin-off where they removed boarding.
“Want to automatically purchase more mediocrity on a regular basis? Subscribe and save!”
Not releasing your new game on the largest game market in the world is a bold choice as well.
Luke lived on a desert planet, of course he’s warm!
Icey, what you did there…
(Edit: speeeeeeling)
Damn, it’s down 45% over the last year as well. They seem to have released a few flops recently; and their notable IPs kinda just aren’t exciting anymore.
It doesn’t help that they have said a lot of just straight up anti-consumer stuff in the last year.
They shut off the Crew 2 and even planned on deleting the game from people’s libraries. They’ve added micro transactions to (I think) every single Ubisoft game in the last decade. They were pro NFTs and wanted it rolled out to games. Their Ubisoft launcher. Toxic and sexist environment.
Every few years, they make a better Assassins Creed or Far Cry that moves the open-world genre forward. But that’s the only positive thing I can say.
Really enjoyed Farcry 5 but Farcry 6 was ok gameplay wise but the story was really underwhelming especially with the amazing talent they got in Giancarlo Esposito.
The real problem with Ubisoft games is that they are all 95% reskins. If you’ve played one farcry game you’ve played most of every farcry game, same with assassins creed, etc.
Now those games often end up having relatively fun mechanics so when another farcry comes out I’ll still play it because it’s a fun game to me.
I do wonder how much they are just hitting a saturation point where the same couple games reskinned over and over are just underwhelming
There hasn’t been a good assassins creed since black flag.
Great. EA should be next but sports games fans won’t let it happen.
It’s all been downhill since AC Origins
Wait till Assassin’s Creed Shadows flops miserably. Ubisoft is a couple of € billions in debt.
I only hope they release Anno 117 and new HoM&M before they fail completely.
Shadows is them getting desperate. That game had been requested and expected since the ezio storyline when they came for him. Instead they released a side scroller and didn’t think twice about it. Now they’re struggling immensely and are trying to recover. I really want it to flop to hopefully drive a nail in the coffin.
I want a m&m mmo.
Turns out you can only recycle the same garbage full of bugs so many times before people get bored of it
Most everyone I’ve seen that actually played it seems to like it.
They’re using a trusted formula that has worked since Far Cry 3 from 12 years ago. It’s fun but it’s not going to turn a lot of heads. Many just wish they would try something different.
The Venn Diagram of “people still spending that much money on a game” and “people that are easy to please” seems to be a circle. Maybe something to do with a sunk-cost-fallacy coupled with the “social proof” stuff?
But I don’t know the game. Maybe it’s okay.
Yeah I don’t really get all the hate. Is it the greatest game ever? No not even a little. Is it good though? Yeah I think so. The combat isn’t all that deep but I’m mostly enjoying it for the writing and world building. It also helps that it’s a gorgeous game.
That being said I can’t see paying full price for it. I subscribed to ubisoft + for it and plan on canceling once I’m done with it. Playing it that way makes it cheaper than a ticket to the movies but for way more hours of pretty star wars locales.
I’m really glad I got it. No regrets at all. Solid gameplay and Fantastic atmosphere. Yesterday I played a mini mission which was sharing a meal with your little companion. Awesome.
Yeah. I’m really looking forward to it.
There seems to be a TikTok campaign where certain people desperately want players to hate this game. I keep seeing this same skinny wispy-bearded dude over & over shitting on the game.
I keep seeing the videos, and what I watch just makes me say “It honestly doesn’t look bad to me.”
They were dumb enough to buy a AAA title on launch so…
Yeah… fuck them for enjoying a game, right? The nerve of some people. Why didn’t they take your feelings into account?
They’re welcome to, I just don’t trust their judgement.
And I don’t trust the judgement of someone panning something they haven’t even played.
At least it’s logical.
Get fucked ubisoft
In an alternate universe I just got a 10 kill streak with Ahsoka on the Siege of Mandalore map in Battlefront III. Star Wars Eclipse is coming out in a few months, and gameplay demos show that it looks every bit as good as the trailer.
Do be fair, I think that Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor are some of the best Star Wars games ever made, maybe a tier behind the icons like BF2, Kotor, and Tie Fighter, but not that far and in hindsight I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s up there with them.
Respawn are really great devs that know how to nail fluidly, difficulty, and just all the little details that make all their games a blast.
I really liked Fallen Order. I kind of forgot about Survivor. Need to make a note to watch for it to be on sale.
It’s also on EA Play / Gamepass Ultimate if you’re eyeing either of those or other stuff on them.
Nah, I already have Steam. I’m not installing another launcher.
Playing the SW 1313 remake too.
What gameplay demos??
I’d link them for you, but I’m too busy playing the new 501st spinoff of Republic Commando. It’s pretty badass; you customize a squad of troopers and follow them through training on Kamino, through the Clone Wars, and even Order 66 and the Bad Batch era. It’s not just action; there are meaningful story choices you have to make as you struggle with your loyalty to the Republic and General Skywalker, vs the growing realization that something is wrong with the clones. It’s really well-written and voice acted with a mature story.
Have you tried the new Rogue Squadron?
My favorite addition is the galaxy liberation mode where you support systems to gain their favor and spend that favor for localized support and ship research.
My Zyphor spec A-Wing has a surprise twin linked rail gun mounted underneath for CAS missions
This is the most depressing thread I’ve read in a while.
deleted by creator
Ubisoft doesn’t often make bad games but they never make great games either, they are always 4/10, 5/10, 6/10. The only thing that I can give a better score to is Child of Light. Took long enough for this shit to start losing money.
Child of Light was a successful attempt at making a good indie-like game. I liked it. It was different and creative. They had something great. I wonder what became of the announced sequel…
Plourde expressed that he was unsure if it was still in development but said that he was not involved and that it was unlikely, with most of the core team responsible for the original game having departed the company.
With a focus on games as a service, Plourde expressed doubt over the prequel, believing games such as Child of Light to be no longer something that Ubisoft would want to make.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_of_Light#SequelFuck Ubisoft.
Rayman Origins and Legends were great. But that was over a decade ago.
Zombiu, AC: Black Flag. Both great games. Rare for Ubisoft though
AC: Black Flag could be great if was not an AC, just Black Flag and the game didn’t age quite well to me, tried to replay recently and is boring to me.
You know, you’re kind of right. I tried to replay it recently and found it boring and thought it was just me. I didn’t consider it possible.